Medical Pack
- Details
- Category: General
- Published on Monday, 11 August 2008 14:19
- Hits: 101393
- Medical Pack
- 2. Diagnosis
- 3. Criteria for Fm
- 4. Pathogenesis
- 5. Evidence-based interventions
- 6. Pharmacological management
- 7. Non-pharmacological management
- 8. Body Conditioning
- 9. Exercise Management
- 10. Activity Scheduling
- 11. Young People
- 12. Alternative therapies
- 13. Trigger versus tender points
- 14. References
- 15. Resources & Contacts
- All Pages
Body conditioning
Fibromyalgia can impact on individuals in many ways, resulting in reduced social, emotional and physical functioning. Physical changes, such as muscle weakness and stiffness, reduced fitness and activity levels can lead to a cycle of deconditioning.
Getting your patient started with an exercise programme is a means to change this downward spiral of inactivity. Some people find that they do more exercise or activities on days when they feel good, and fewer or no activities on days when they feel bad. This is often referred to as "over activity and under activity cycling" and will be discussed more in the next section.