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Successful fibromyalgia conference plan a reunion in 2011

Group Leader of West York’s FM SG Denise Rhodes wrote the following report

Dr Nina Bailey BSc, PhD is a nutritional scientist working in dietary health and nutritional intervention in disease, with emphasis on the role of fatty acids in fibromyalgia, depression and ME. She has a DVD, which explains how to manage IBS that at least 50% of FM/CFS/Depressives/chronic headache sufferers experience.

Basically her argument is that there is no perfect dietary cure but findings show that red meat, particularly if seared/charred/barbequed produce carbonation. That produces ammonia, which leads to inflammation in the gut and is extremely bad for IBS just as many sweeteners are, such as xylotomy and sorbitol. Also insoluble fibers such as whole-wheat grains, bran, unpeeled fruit, salad greens, fried foods are in question.  An expansion of this is on the www.drninabailey.com site. Dr Bailey said information is available on her websites www.igennus-hn.com, www.drninabailey.com and from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Group Leader of West York’s FM SG Denise Rhodes wrote the following report

Dr Mageb Agour MB, BS, MRCPsych recently presented his latest research findings into sleep disorders in this area at a major international medical conference in Italy in September 2009, looked at objective sleep management.

The gold standard test is

  • In a laboratory where subject is wired up to record all body functions.
  • A device that looks like a watch, strapped to the wrist and used in one’s own home.  This is programmed to record movement and defines when/when not asleep
  • There are 5 stages of sleep with normally 3 – 4 cycles per night.
  • The longer we sleep the more we dream. But dream is only achieved in stage 5 (REM)
  • Stage 1 light sleep/dozing low eye movement, often slightly aware and easily aroused
  • Stage 2 eye movement stops, slower brainwaves
  • Stage 3 Delta waves deeper stage
  • Stage 4 No eye movement or muscle activity
  • Stage 5 REM breathing increases, rapid eye-movement - muscles paralyzed

Babies spend 50% of sleep time in REM but with aging there are fewer REM stages in adults.

  • Primary Sleep Disorders
  • Narcolepsy
  • Sleep apnea
  • Abnormal behaviour
  • Sleepwalking/talking
  • Night terrors
  • Secondary Sleep Disorders
  • Mental disorder
  • General medical conditions
  • Substance users anything from caffeine to cocaine and heroin
  • Sleep and FM
  • Restless leg syndrome - Periodic limb movement - involuntary  (if severe may need treatment)
  • Bruxism (Grinding teeth)
  • Alpha wave intrusion

In Fibromites non-refreshing sleep is a result of Alpha waves intruding into Betawave stage causes REM state to leave. Remedies are to reduce mental activity before bed, avoid reading in bed or watching TV.

Melatonin is seen as a useful tool and is now available from many GPs or online.

Short term sleeping tablets and treating underlying problems. Natural remedies such as Valerian, which performs in a similar way to Oxizipan or St John’s Wort, which is often used for depression.

However, when using alternative and complementary medications it is important to check with GP and/or Pharmacist to avoid clash with prescribed medication.

Chamomile, a Fish Oils High content omega 3 vital.

Report by Leanne Daniels from Horndean FM SG

Andy Pothecary Pharma (Hones) Rearms, ACPP Pharmacist is a Senior Pharmacist at Worthing Hospital. Andrew’s interest in fibromyalgia began in 2004 when his wife was diagnosed with the condition. He hopes to undertake research and develop a specialist role in this area in the future.

In his Pharmacist Pick  & Mix presentation Andy Pothecary spoke about Medicines Licensing in the UK explaining the Drug Company identifies promising new compound, applies for a patent, and carries out further laboratory trials. The company then applies for permission to carry out clinical trials. When completed they apply for marketing authorisation (MA). They can then sell the product within the EU.

He described the types of clinical trials a drug is submitted to.

  • Phase I: Pre-clinical testing, with healthy male volunteers – first time drug used in humans.
  • Phase II: Small-scale trial at a limited number of centers, in which the drug is used in patients with the disease.
  • Phase III: Larger-scale trial across many centers, with a wider range of patients
  • Phase IV: Post-marketing surveillance – product in use but rare or long-term side effects identified

Use of unlicensed medicines

These are medicines without a PL/MA. This might be because they are undergoing clinical trials, are to treat rare conditions, or because the MA has been withdrawn or surrendered. If unlicensed medicines are used, the prescribing doctor assumes full responsibility and liability for any adverse events that might occur.

What is “Named-patient Basis?”

Process that enables patients to be supplied with an unlicensed drug. “Named patient” means the drug is being supplied (to the hospital, pharmacy, etc) for the use of a specific patient. Depending on the drug concerned, it can be fairly simple to obtain or involve lots of form filling by doctor and pharmacy.

Off-license/off-label Medicines

When a product is granted an MA, this specifies which conditions the product can be used to treat. However the product might also be used to treat other conditions. This use is termed “off-license” or “off-label” because it is not covered by the terms of the MA. Again, this means that the prescribing doctor will assume greater responsibility and liability if anything goes wrong.

Why is this relevant?

How many medicines are currently licensed for the treatment of fibromyalgia in the UK? None! He spoke about the use of ‘old drugs’ normally prescribed for other conditions but used for fibromyalgia although these may not be licensed for this. He also described the various drugs prescribed by GPs.

Group Leader of West York’s FM SG Denise Rhodes wrote the following report

Gemma Kingsman, professional fundraiser, reported on Finding the Funds  - and outlined what funds are available, mainly concentrating on Awards for All, which is the National Lottery.

For large pots of money £30,000 eg can be funded for up to 3 years

Smaller pots up to £5,000 can be applied for such as sessional worker funds, equipment needs, marketing the group.  She advised ringing lottery help lines for how to submit and what for.  They are very helpful.

Grassroots Awards are nationally available but administered locally via a local community foundation.  The cash comes from wealthy donator philanthropists and organisations. Groups applying must have a written constitution with clear and simple rules and regulations, be a not-for- profit organisation, able to identify a need in the community, which the group will serve.  Can make more than one application in two categories: up to £900 and from £900 - £5.000.  The following year application can be made for further cash to support further needs.  The Grassroots Grant might be for rent, equipment, refreshments, and volunteer costs regarding running costs.

The Lions Clubs, Rotary Group will respond to a letter for support and the website “Guide Star” is a source of information.  Many Disability sites will provide sources of funding. Her company “Consultaid” charges £35 to fill in a grant application form but she referred delegates to free help in the community.

Talking fundraising we are looking for some help from our friends. We believe we can persuade a couple of American FMS doctors to come to conference next year. We will have a damn good try. But we need to pay their airfare and expenses from the airport. We may be looking at approximately £500 per doctor. If you are coming next year and are able to do a bit of fund raising towards hearing these USA doctors who are often light years ahead of us in some things FMS, we would love to shout about what you are doing and would really welcome your support. Email me jeannehambleton @ mac.com if you can help. While April 2011 is some while away we need to get in the diaries of these doctors. However small your fundraising is it will all add up.




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