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European Medicines Agency - Medication Errors Workshop

We are pleased to inform you that the meeting report of the Medication errors workshop held at the EMA on 28 February – 1 March 2013 has now been published on the EMA website. Please see the link below: http://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Report/2013/05/WC500143163.pdf

The workshop led to concrete recommendations which are detailed at the end of the report (page 13: The way forward). These include the development of best practices across the EU for the reporting, evaluation and prevention of medication errors, the need for sharing information between national patient safety authorities, national regulators and the EMA and the development of new methods to identify medication errors earlier. Active engagement and capacity building with patients and healthcare providers and research into safe medication practice should be priorities.

The Agency in collaboration with the European Commission and the EU regulatory network will develop an implementation plan and carefully prioritise actions proposed during the workshop taking into consideration the potential benefit for public health and the resource implications at Member States and EU level.

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