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How can we encourage our MPs to join the APPG?


You do not have to struggle to London to get your MP involved, it would be far better to talk to them at one of their local surgeries where you will have more time and a one to one consultation where you can explain the problems you face living with FM.

Ideally, fibromyalgia suffers should contact their MP asking them to attend an APPG meeting.  You can raise specific issues with your local MP that you would like to be raised either at an APPG meeting or in the House of Commons.  The MP attends an APPG to find out more about Fibromyalgia.  Having convinced the MP of the worthiness of our cause, he/she may well write to the Department of Health and/or table questions in the House urging the government to look again at how the NHS responds to sufferers of fibromyalgia and what advice is available etc., therefore making health professionals aware of the disease.

It is said of APPGs that they flourish or wane according to the interests and enthusiasm of members.  Another reason why we need to get our MPs involved if we want our APPG to ‘flourish’.

How are MPs invited to an APPG?

For an AGM, invitations are sent to all MPs and Peers but for a general APPG only those MPs who have signed up as members receive invitations.  This is why it is so important for MPs to be persuaded to join.  Also those MPs who are members, but unable to attend, will receive copies of minutes of all meetings.

How can a member of the public get involved?

You can raise specific issues with your local MP that you would like him/her to take on board and take action on your behalf.

What is the APPG on fibromyalgia NOT?

The APPG is not a forum for discussion for sufferers or the Medical Advisory Board (MAB), rather it is a tool to bring Fibromyalgia to the attention of the MPs and to inform them of how best to help their constituents.  Discussions have to focus on what the MPs are interested in learning and hearing about fibromyalgia.

Does the Medical Advisory Board belong to FMA UK or the APPG?

Initially it was thought that the MAB was to be part of the APPG but in practice it is FMA UK who invites professionals to join the MAB, after discussion with existing MAB members.   Both FMA UK and the MAB work closely with the APPG on Fibromyalgia but the APPG does not own the MAB.

The rules governing the APPG can be found here.




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