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Fibro Conference April 8/11

We are now counting the days to April 8, the weekend when those with fibromyalgia meet like-minded people who know about the invisible pains that float around the body. The pains and fatigue that some doctors tell you is all a figment of your imagination. We have a varied programme and are planning a memorable weekend.

Do you struggle to get to sleep at night and count the diminishing hours you have left before the alarm goes off? Are you like me and cannot bring to mind your best friend’s name when she stands before you? Add to that pain 24/7 that moves around, fatigue, depression, feelings of isolation and no one understands, you could be suffering with our mysterious disease. The one that starts with ‘f’ and everyone says  ‘fibro what?’

It might take a lifetime to meet someone else that has heard of it or indeed is suffering with it. There is no cure, or Government funding for research or even a flag day. Public awareness is virtually nil.  We do not die from FM just live in pain.

 But during the weekend April 8 to 11, those heading for the West Sussex south coast to Bracklesham Bay with or without fibromyalgia, can talk to a conference full of people who live with FM, manage it, and listen to lots of speakers over the weekend on subjects dear to our hearts. Or they can join in the  workshops including pilates, Tai chi, laughter workshop and the new healthy steps to music. Those bringing a partner in the hope he will understand the condition when he goes home, have the chance to do a full day deep sea fishing, play golf, or go windsurfing (we are minutes from the sea)

 The best part is the low cost that includes full board and accommodation, the conference, workshops, books, shopping, lots of good entertainment, dance band, cabaret, good service, great food. This will be a memorable weekend and pampering is available if you need some TLC.  You can make new FM friends too.

 So if you have or think you might have floating pains, chronic fatigue, cannot sleep, and you are forgetful plus a lot of other niggling symptoms like IBS, GERD, depression and more and your doctor refuses to even consider it might be fibromyalgia, come and meet those who know those pains plus  speakers, workshops, pampering, and more.  If you are interested email me (Jeanne Hambleton) using this contact form.

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