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Craig Blyth swims the Great Scottish Swim for FMA UK

Craig swam 2 miles in the icy Loch Lomond in Europe’s biggest open water swim to support FMA UK work and to raise awareness about fibromyalgia. Craig raised an astonishing £1,980 and finished the swim in one hour and three minutes, with 44th place, which is a great result as he had a starting number 632!

Craig said: ‘’I was delighted to be able to raise so much money for such a worthwhile cause! The swim went very well! I really enjoyed it and after the first lap or so I had warmed up and no longer felt the cold’’.

We would like to thank Craig for this amazing challenge. Craig has been training a lot to be able to complete the challenge and said: ‘’So that I can use my pain and suffering in the pool and then over the two mile stretch in the icy waters of LocH Lomond to help others who suffer on a daily basis’’.

To donate go to Craig’s JustGiving page:


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