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FMA UK Request for More Trustees

Trustee meetings are held monthly via Skype and last about 2 hours.  There is an annual meeting that coincides with our group leaders’ meeting over a weekend.

The charity currently raises funds through individual’s sponsored events and other activities.   Items are also sold to raise funds.  We have no dedicated trustee to oversee fundraising and the task of communicating with fundraisers has been covered by the chair and a volunteer sending out thank you certificates.

Funding applications need to be written and processed to ensure the charity can progress with projects awaiting funding. The new trustee would take over all responsibility for acknowledging fundraisers’ efforts and seek new ways of ensuring funding. Estimated time per week for these duties 5 – 6 hours.

Communications about activities to groups registered with FMA UK as well as outside agencies would be covered by this role, through various forms – website, emails, twitter, facebook as well as conventional press and radio and TV media.

A dossier of case studies and information for media enquiries would need to be kept and often supplied at short notice. The role would also include being aware of publicity around fibromyalgia that we might need to respond to. Estimated time per week for these duties will vary depending on outside demands: average 4-5 hours per week.

Please contact Des Quinn, chair of FMA UK at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information or to lodge your interest by sending a brief CV outlining your skills and experience.

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