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Press Releases

Awareness Week 8th - 15th September 2007

Press Release: Make Fibromyalgia Visible
Many people are still not aware of fibromyalgia and the devastating effects it can have on people with the condition and their families.  During National Awareness Week local support groups around the country are being encouraged to make themselves noticed by wearing not only the yellow ribbon with black spots, but clothes in yellow and black.  It's easy to miss a ribbon, but a group of people all wearing yellow and black makes an impression. 

Why should we go to these lengths?  It is estimated that 2% - 4% of the population could have fibromyalgia and many of these will have spent years suffering pain and fatigue before being diagnosed.  Others are worrying about their pain and fatigue without being diagnosed.  Many people have been diagnosed because they recognised the symptoms from media information and asked their doctors if fibromyalgia could be the cause of the different aches and pains that they had been trying to cope with. 

People with fibromyalgia typically have a range of symptoms which can change and vary from day to day.

These include:

  • Muscle pain and stiffness
  • Fatigue
  • Specific tender points
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Poor concentration
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

Because the symptoms vary in intensity from day to day, planning work and even daily life can be difficult.  The feeling of letting people down can add to the frustration and stress and exacerbates the condition.  Not understanding why this is happening can lead to a sense of guilt and worry about possible causes for the sufferer and misunderstanding by employers, family and friends.

If you know 100 people it is likely that 2 of them will develop fibromyalgia, especially if they are women.  This means most people will be affected by fibromyalgia directly or indirectly at some time in their lives. 

For an information pack please send a 40p large sae to:

Fibromyalgia Association UK, PO Box 206, Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY9 8YL

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