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International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day 12th May 2009

Adopt a DuckThis is the day we can at least get the word fibromyalgia to as many people as possible. To start with the easiest, “don’t have to leave the comfort of my own home” methods, what about a call to your favourite radio station asking for a request to all those with fibromyalgia.  It could be something soothing and relaxing to help chill out those in pain or something lively to cheer people up.  If you feel up to it you could even ask to be interviewed to tell your story.  The local press can also offer the opportunity to tell your tale.  They prefer to have a personal story rather than the dry facts and may even send a photographer.

For those of you who are more adventurous how about requesting posters (available free from the office) to be displayed in local shops, clinics, hospitals, libraries etc.?  Some people arrange to have a display in busy places like shopping centres and hospitals and give out flyers (also available free from the office).  If you do this, don’t overdo it.  Limit your time and make sure you have somewhere to sit down, so that you are not going to be too exhausted afterwards.  If you want to really make a splash we have t-shirts, bunting, balloons and spotty material available from here, but there is a charge for these.  This sort of display can also make a good photo opportunity for the media. You could also join in with using our  "fibro duck"  in your awareness activities.

Have you noticed how for Remembrance Day all the TV presenters wear their poppies?  How about sending your local newsreaders and other daily presenters a ribbon to wear on the 12th May along with the flyer explaining what fibromyalgia is?  At 50p these are a cheap way of getting people’s attention.  If you feel more generous, you could send a dotty wristband which we sell at £1.50 each or £6.50 for 5 and £12.00 for 10. Now for the more demanding ideas.  Groups and individuals have been holding coffee mornings (sometimes in the afternoon) on the 12th May.  We are having one for MPs and anyone with fibromyalgia at Portcullis House in Westminster.  This is where many MPs have their offices and meeting rooms. 

Last year we provided postcards for people to send to their MPs inviting them to the coffee morning and this was very successful in attracting more MPs to join the All Party Parliamentary Group on Fibromyalgia.  This year we are asking you to send a personal letter or email requesting them to attend so that you can meet them there or for them to attend on your behalf.  If you are intending to be present you will need to send in your name and address by 24th April to the office and you will then receive a letter of invitation from the chair of the APPG Rob Wilson MP.

This year’s new idea.
We have these cute little ducks to help get the fibromyalgia message across.  Of course they’re yellow with black eyes and lashes and if you want to customise them further you could add black spots with a

Adopt a Duck and add some spots
Example duck image
permanent marker or stickers or even provide a fibromyalgia ribbon scarf.  They are approximately 5cm high and even have a squeaker.

Our message to go with these is that people with fibromyalgia are like ducks out of water.  Let me explain.  Before developing fibromyalgia they were hard working, fiercely independent people.  After fibromyalgia their pain and fatigue prevents them from performing many of the tasks they took pride in.  They have to rely on others everyday and stress about the things all around them that have to go undone.  They are forced to live a life that is alien to them – like a duck out of water.  The duck can survive on land but its movement isn’t quick and fluent the way it is in water. So the challenge is to draw attention to fibromyalgia by using the duck in places a duck wouldn’t usually go. 

Because these ducks have squeakers they are not suitable for water anyway.  Let’s have some creative thinking about what you could do with your duck.  Where could you put them to draw attention to a poster or display?  Which shop windows would they appear out of place in?  What about the bank, out of reach so it doesn’t become a lost duck, though that could create publicity?  A number of you could get together and take your ducks on an outing and have a display in the park or town centre. 

You may be able to combine some of the other ideas with the duck and get it on the radio or TV The Yorkshire and Humberside region have made a start on their Adopt a Duck idea as outlined below.

Adoption of a “Fibro Duck” is a good way of supporting the people you know that have fibromyalgia!
By adopting a “Fibro Duck” you are choosing to show those you know who have fibromyalgia that you care – it is a loving option. Ask anybody who has adopted a pet, and they'll swear their bond with their new pal is as deep as they come. When you open your heart and your home to your “Fibro Duck” you also help to raise awareness of fibromyalgia.

So, you want to adopt a “Fibro Duck”, huh? Great idea!  Here are a few rules that we would like you to follow:

  • Buy your “Fibro Duck” from your nearest caring duck outlet.
  • Register your name, address and the name you would like to call your “Fibro Friendly Duck” on your adoption paper.
  • Do not let your new pal feel neglected like a duck out of water. Take your duck with you when you go to visit friends, family, unusual places and on holiday.
  • Record your visits by taking a photograph of all those involved in the event.
  • Do not forget to make sure that you and your “Fibro Duck” are on the photograph.
  • In order to raise awareness of fibromyalgia we challenge you to get one of your photographs of you and your “Fibro Duck” into your local newspaper.

Record your adventures by keeping a simple diary of what you and your “Fibro Duck” get up to in the next six months. Hand in your diary to your Fibromyalgia Support Group Leader to be entered into our Yorkshire and Humberside “Ducky” competition.

Prizes will be awarded to those “Fibro Ducks” and their owners who have had the most unusual, amazing time and raised awareness of fibromyalgia!!! (Only eligible to Yorkshire and Humberside region unless you decide to organise something similar for your group or region.) Of course we would love to hear what you get up to, so send in your pictures and an explanation.  What you do this year could give others ideas in the future.

Please order any items in plenty of time.  We try to anticipate amounts prior to International Awareness Day but it does get a bit hectic the two weeks beforehand. Thank you to all groups that support these national campaigns.  It is only through your help that we can make fibromyalgia better known and therefore better recognised and treated.

You can order a duck from your local support group or from the website.

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