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Fibromyalgia Facts

Fibromyalgia Facts

General Introduction

Fibromyalgia (FM for short) is not a life threatening illness but is often life changing.

It does not necessarily affect everyone in the same way

It is a condition that is often invisible to others, however, research supports that FM is a distinct clinical condition.

FM is recognised by the Department of Health and is listed on the NHS Direct website.  The more you know about the illness, the easier it is to cope with.

Possible feelings after Diagnosis:

Relieved that you have been given a positive diagnosis that something “real” is wrong with you.

In “no man’s land” because you do not really know what your next step should be, or indeed where to go to get information and help.

What does the Word Fibromyalgia Mean?

Fibromyalgia is possibly a word that you have never heard of before.   What does it mean?

Fibro = Fibrous Tissues (tendons & ligaments)

My = Muscle

Algia = Pain 

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a condition of:

  • Chronic widespread pain/chronic pain amplification
  • fatigue

The pain involves mainly:

  • · muscles 
  • · tendons tendons hold muscles to bones
  • · ligaments ligaments hold bones together
  • · bursa a bursa is a fluid filled sac that decreases the friction over joints 

The muscle pain fluctuates and is often aggravated by:

  • various physical factors
  • environmental factors
  • emotional factors.

In addition to widespread pain and fatigue, fibromyalgia can be associated with:

  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • fluctuating stiffness
  • numbness
  • a feeling of weakness
  • cold intolerance
  • poor sleep
  • headaches
  • chest pain
  • cognitive difficulties
  • sensitivity to light, smells, temperature and sound
  • dizziness (balance problems)
    • anxiety/panic attacks

It can be called a “Head to Toe” condition.

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