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Fibromyalgia: Understanding a Mysterious Ailment

ImageAn article has come out from Johns Hopkins, one of America’s top research Universities, a world leader in research and education. Fibromyalgia: Understanding a Mysterious Ailment states that doctors now understand "that FM involves the central nervous system" and is, not a psychological condition.

It says that FM is often described as a disease of exclusion: “because several conditions with comparable symptoms must be ruled out before fibromyalgia can be diagnosed. These include: underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism); rheumatoid arthritis (RA); polymyalgia rheumatica; lyme disease; lupus.

There is mention that Lyrica is now being used as a treatment in the US, having been approved for fibromyalgia by the FDA in June 2007 and makes a point that anti-inflammatory "drugs probably won’t help, since fibromyalgia pain isn’t caused by inflammation."

It goes on to describe other drugs which may help along with alternative therapies. A very important parting message ends the article. “Finally, it’s important to find time to take it easy. Exercise and staying active matter, but so do getting enough rest and doing things that you find relaxing and enjoyable.” 

It is positive to see an article such as this from such a leading medical establishment as Johns Hopkins and should contribute moving forward with the recognition of fibromyalgia and, more importantly, in furthering research into the illness.

 You can read the full article here

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